Medical & Health Insurance(Insurans Perubatan & Kesihatan)
Medical & Health Insurance
what is medical & health insurance?
and Health Insurance (MHI), is an insurance policy which is designed to cover
the cost of private medical treatment, which can be very expensive, especially
with hospitalisation and surgery. MHI also ensures that you won't have to worry
about the cost of seeking treatment during emergencies. In addition, MHI also
provides you with an income stream while you undergo treatment.
The main policies of medical & health insurance
and surgical insurance
for hospitalization and surgical expenses that incurred due to illnesses
covered under the polivy
disease or critical illnesses insurance
you a lump sump advantage upon diagnosis of any
of 36 specified illnesses or dread diseases .for a list of the 36 dread disease,Please contact a
licensed insurance company
income insurance
an income stream to replace a portion or your pre-disability income when you
are unable to work because of sickness or injury
income insurance
you a specified sum of money on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, subject to an
annual limit, if you have to stay in a hospital due to covered illness,
sickness or injury
to choose the best medical & health
- Shop wisely before you buy. Compare the policies of different insurance companies before buying.
- Be very careful and only choose the insurance that best suits you
- Determine if you can afford the premiums of the MHI cover you choose.Don't buy more than you can afford.
- Take your time to discuss with an agent from an insurance company about the MHI policy you want to buy.
- Get information on the agent and insurance company. Get a business card with the agent's name, company name, address and telephone number. This is important if you want to enquire, renew or
- claim on a policy later.
- Understand the terms and conditions of the policy as well as the scope of cover provided.
- Read your policy contract carefully.
you already covered with medical & health insurance?
employer may already have taken out a group plan where either your employer
pays the premiums or you pay the premiums on your own. You should get details
on the terms of the policy as well as its coverage. Even if you do have a group
plan, you should look into getting an individual plan, because not only can you
customize it to meet your needs, but you also wouldn’t have to worry about
losing insurance coverage if you change jobs.
What benefits you get?
policy offers different benefits, and different insurance companies offer
different scopes of coverage. Some insurance companies also offer comprehensive
policies which offer more coverage than just the basic insurance cover.
Insurans perubatan dan kesihatan
apakah insurans perubatan dan kesihatan?
Perubatan dan Kesihatan (IPK) ialah satu polisi yang melindungi kos rawatan
perubatan swasta yang mungkin mahal, seperti kos kemasukan ke hospital dan
pembedahan. Polisi insurans ini juga memastikan anda tidak perlu bimbang
mengenai kos bagi mendapatkan rawatan kecemasan. Selain itu, IPK juga membayar
anda sejumlah wang tertentu semasa anda menjalani rawatan.
Jenis-jenis polisi utama insurans perubatan dan kesihatan
hospital dan pembedahan
pembelanjaan pembedahan yang
ditanggung dan kemasukan ke hospital disebabkan oleh penyakit yang dilindungi dibawah policy
penyakit kritikal
manfaat secara sekali gus apabila anda disahkan mendapat mana-mana 36 penyakit kritkal atau penyakit yang telah ditetapkan
oleh syarikat insurans
pendapatan akibat hilang upaya
sumber pendapatan yang berterusan apabila anda
tidak dapat berkerja akibat sakit atau cedera
pendapatan hospital
sejumlah wang secara harian ,mingguan atau bulanan tertakluk
kepada had tahunan sekiranya anda perlu tinggal di hospital kerana penyakit
yang dilindungi,tidak sihat aau cedera
Cara untuk memilih polisi perubatan dan kesihatan yang terbaik
- Buat pilihan bijak sebelum membeli. Buat perbandingan ke atas polisi yang ditawarkan oleh syarikat insurans yang lain terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli.
- Beli polisi yang benar-benar sesuai dengan keperluan anda.
- Tentukan terlebih dahulu sama ada anda mampu membayar premium. Jangan beli lebih daripada apa yang anda mampu.
- Ambil masa untuk berbincang dengan syarikat atau ejen insurans anda. Dapatkan kad perniagaan ejen insurans yang mempunyai nama ejen, syarikat, alamat dan nombor telefon. Maklumat ini penting sekiranya anda ingin membuat sebarang pertanyaan, memperbaharui atau membuat tuntutan kelak.
- Fahami terma dan syarat polisi serta skop perlindungan yang ditawarkan.
- Baca kontrak polisi dengan teliti
anda sudah dilindungi dengan insurans kesihatan dan perubatan?
anda mungkin telah mengambil pelan berkumpulan di mana premium akan dibayar
sama ada oleh anda sendiri atau majikan anda. Anda patut mendapatkan maklumat
tentang terma polisi tersebut dan skop perlindungannya. Walaupun anda mempunyai
pelan berkumpulan, anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan pelan
individu yang mungkin lebih bersesuaian dengan keperluan anda serta untuk
menjamin perlindungan insurans sekiranya anda bertukar kerjaya.
Apakan kelebihan polisi ini untuk anda?
polisi menawarkan manfaat yang berbeza dan syarikat insurans yang berlainan
menawarkan skop perlindungan yang berbeza. Sesetengah syarikat insurans juga
menawarkan polisi menyeluruh yang memberikan perlindungan melebihi perlindungan
insurans asas.
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